Subscription: Illumicrate Box, August Edition

It is crazy how quickly time flies; the summer is nearly over and another Illumicrate is here which means a whole 3 months has passed! I can't believe how fast 2017 is going, before we know it the dreaded C word will be upon us. Anyway, here we have the August edition of the Illumicrate [...]

Man Booker Prize Contenders: Exit West

Title: Exit West Author: Moshin Hamid Publisher: Hamish Hamilton Publication Date: March 2017 Synopsis: In a city swollen by refugees but still mostly at peace, or at least not yet openly at war, Saeed and Nadia share a cup of coffee, and their story begins. It will be a love story but also a story about war [...]

Down the TBR Rabbit Hole #1

After reading the lovely Aria's blog post at, I thought I should take a look at my Goodreads TBR list. I am guilty of simply throwing books on to the pile and never getting around to reading them so I thought a little sort through my TBR list might do the world of good and [...]

Man Booker Prize Contenders: Lincoln in the Bardo

Title: Lincoln in the Bardo Author: George Saunders Publisher: Bloomsbury Publication Date: March 2017 (This Edition) Synopsis: February 1862. The American Civil War rages while President Lincoln’s beloved eleven-year-old son lies gravely ill. In a matter of days, Willie dies and is laid to rest in a Georgetown cemetery. Newspapers report that a grief-stricken Lincoln returns to the [...]